
Last updated July 7, 2021

Dental Teeth Whitening Guidelines

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Dental Teeth Whitening Guidelines


Course Details:

  • This course takes an in-depth look at the comprehensive guidelines for dental teeth whitening.
  • You will be presented with a short presentation followed by an assessment.
  • If you achieve 80% or more, you pass the course and will receive a printable certificate to place in your CPD folder. If you do not pass, you will have the opportunity to review the content and retake the assessment when you feel confident.


  • This course aims to provide information relating to the legal aspects of teeth whitening for all staff members.


Learners will be able to:

  • Define dental teeth whitening
  • Identify who is legally able to carry out teeth whitening
  • List the relevant regulations
  • Understand the legal percentages in the UK

Learning Outcomes:

The learner understands:

  • Role of the dental team in teeth whitening procedures
  • Legalities of teeth whitening in the UK
  • The practice of dental teeth whitening

GDC Development Outcomes:

  • B – Effective management of self and effective management of others or effective work with others in the dental team, in the interests of patients; providing constructive leadership where appropriate.
  • C – Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice.


Legislation & Regulations:

  • EU Cosmetic Regulation 2013
  • Consumer Protections Act 1987
  • Dentistry Act 1984 (under sections 37 and 38)


  • Principle 1: Put Patients’ Interests First.
  • Standard 1.1.1: You must discuss treatment options with patients and listen carefully to what they say. Give them the opportunity to have a discussion and to ask questions.
  • Standard 1.3.3: You must make sure that any advertising, promotional material or other information that you produce is accurate and not misleading, and complies with the GDC’s guidance on ethical advertising. 
  • Standard 1.7: You must put patients’ interests before your own or those of any colleague, business or organisation.
  • Standard 1.7.1: You must always put your patients’ interests before any financial, personal or other gain.  
  • Standard 1.7.4: If you work in a mixed practice, you must not pressurise patients into having private treatment if it is available to them under the NHS (or equivalent health service)and they would prefer to have it under the NHS (or equivalent health service).
  • Standard 1.9: You must find out about laws and regulations that affect your work and follow them.
  • Principle 3: Obtain valid consent  
  • Standard 3.1: You must obtain valid consent before starting treatment, explaining all the relevant options and the possible costs.


  • Regulation 11: Need for consent
  • Regulation 12: Safe care and treatment

Key Lines of Enquiry (2018)

  • E6: Is consent to care and treatment always sought in line with legislation and guidance?


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